Designing the brand of our gallery was a tough, but exciting process.
Initial Stages
We began by sketching out a few rough drawings of what the shape of ‘EVOKE’ might be; focussing on the letters and shapes it could make – generally brainstorming the first things that came up and manipulating them into usable ideas.
We experimented with the look and combination of word: ‘EVOKE’ in itself has an interesting symmetry, so we played upon this and threw around ideas centring on the ‘O’ to draw focus directly into the centre, pulling an audience directly into the title to hopefully stimulate a response to it – intrigue and a desire to learn more about what could be in the gallery.
Above and below: Our initial sketches...
Concept Development
We then judged the designs that we’d created solely on what looked pleasing to each of us – the members of the team all chipping in with ideas to create a collaborative effort – drawing a shortlist of 3 designs so that each member would have one to focus on and develop. Colour and typefaces were the concentration of this stage; considering what certain colours would suggest to our audience and how soft or harsh the font should be were key discussion points, and through trial and error we each saw what would work most effectively for each design – it was then up to the Senior Team!
Final Concepts and Chosen Design
Logo design by Lucy
Logo design by Ashleigh
With ideas ranging from backwards letters to symbolic centres, the final design that was created and accepted is the most successful as it plays upon all the ideals we wanted to focus on as a group; not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it retains a simplicity that leaves it open to interpretation...
Finalised logo for the Gallery, designed by Aaliyah
‘EVOKE’ draws the viewer in with a softer edge to the letters but juxtaposes this with a vibrant colour gradient, giving it the unique ability to attach itself to any artworks that will be displayed within the gallery without giving any inclination to a specific genre or style. The red is also a pleasant nod towards the school colours, giving the title another dimension as it will be displayed within Highfields!
Our team worked effectively together – we relied on each other to critique ideas and attempt to create a piece that would represent our teamwork and an ambiguity at what the gallery could contain; hopefully instilling intrigue and almost a sense of wonder for potential audiences – which we believe we achieved successfully.
Design Team: Ashleigh, Charlotte, Aaliyah and Lucy
Post by Ashleigh Millman