School Production: Oliver!

Once again our Performing Arts team produced the goods in their recent production of Oliver, February 26th to March 1st.

Oliver was the choice of the students and decided upon twelve months ago, before they had even completed Joseph! It was a good choice and the show was sold out for all three performances!

Highfields productions are always a delight for students and audiences because they include so many students working closely with a range of staff. The cast, stage crew and musicians ranged from Year 7 to Year 13 and it was great to see how much they worked as a team supporting and encouraging each other. It is sad that we will be losing some leading lights, who will be taking up university places in the Autumn, but wonderful to see some huge talent coming up through the ranks.

The cast, band and stage crew all attended a matinee of West Side Story at the Birmingham Alexandra Theatre as a reward for their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm. We look forward to next year’s production!

To see photographs from Oliver, and other performances at Highfields, go to:

Posted on March 21, 2014 .