Barcelona 2014 - Geography

Keep up to date with all the latest news on Barcelona here! 

Day 1

A successful arrival in Barcelona for Highfields today! After a long coach journey we have booked into the hotel, sampled the local cuisine and walked along the sea front, preparing for a long day of field studies work tomorrow! All students are in good spirits looking forward to the exciting times ahead! 

Day 2

After a good night's sleep students and staff have been to visit Garraf National Park in Stiges, twenty minutes from the hotel we are staying in.

The National Park is well known for its natural beauty. We had a challenging walk, climbing up a steep cliff path and down again, taking in stunning views along the way. 

Students have studied the impact of extensive quarrying in the park, taught through both staff at Highfields and Richard and Dutch at The Barcelona Field Studies Centre.

Many students for the remainder of the afternoon played on the beach, relaxing after our energetic (some might say quite strenuous) walk! Other students decided to explore the town. 

Students have eaten at a local restaurant and have gone to bed early ready for a 7 am start tomorrow! 

A stunning view from Garraf National Park! 

Day 3

Today we have visited Garrotxa National Park, studying the impact of volcanoes on the landscape. Staff from The Barcelona Field Studies Centre have given life to this rich topic, ensuring that all main points from various key stages have been met. Students climbed into the crater of a dormant volcano! 

Harkrisham has been teaching himself Catalan, successfully communicating with the local community; we are very proud of this achievement! Students have enjoyed immersing themselves in the local culture. 

We are looking forwards to the busyness of Barcelona tomorrow. Students will be given a guided tour of the city! 

Day 4

The final day was spent in Barcelona City Centre! We caught a train from Stiges into the heart of this amazing city. Students went on a guided tour of Barcelona, taking in many sights along the way.  Students visited la Sagrada Família, a stunning Cathedral built by the famous arcitect Gaudi, visited a medievil hopsital and walked down  Las Ramblas.

Students commented on how much they enjoyed being in the heart of Barcelona, experiencing the life and vibrancy of its amazing culture.

At the end of the day we all gathered in The Harbour of Barcelona, awaiting our long journey home!

Staff feel incredibly proud of the HIghfields children on this trip. Well done to all involved!




Garrotxa National Park.

Just before boarding our coach before the journey back to The UK!

We are due back to school on Tuesday 29th April.

Posted on April 27, 2014 .